Friday, January 6, 2012

Definitive Breakthroughs

There have been so many breakthroughs in science, technology, etc. in the recent years that it seems we are already so far ahead of ourselves. Can we maintain this rate of growth in knowledge and discovery in our world, or will it eventually slow down?

I'd like to hear your responses to the matter. Feel free to comment!


  1. I think we just gotta use our resources better, else were stuck here

  2. Kepler 22-b here we come! woohoo

  3. I think we will advance faster, there is a lot left to learn and a lot we have just started to learn about. Researchers wont be stuck in a time with nothing to research for a very long time if ever.

  4. We probably can, with enough research.

  5. I agree with you all.. but there's a large amount of people who think we're too ahead of our time. We'll see, I guess.

  6. Time will only tell, at this rate BTTF could be true

  7. If we look at where technology was a hundred years ago and where it is now, then all we can say is there is going to some amazing mind-blowing stuff in the future.

  8. it seems to me all we are advancing are our phones

  9. The rate of growth would be more without political conflict.

  10. the technological advance will rise and rise
    there's some kind of theory about it

  11. The rate of advancement is phenomenal, the only bad thing is that it's the >1% minority of humans that are advancing us with their uber knowledge, and the rest of us are just a bunch of pleb consumers

  12. well... don't know if it's a good thing. throughout history, great empires and civilizations always began to fall, when reached a peak.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. yes we can!
    according to one theory, technological advances rise exponentially...

    + followed

  15. There is no limit to the human brain, won't slow down. interesting blog will continue to follow.

  16. I think this more of a question whether a human mind car reach a limit which I think is quite impossible and hopefully im right because if i turn out to be wrong we can safely say that it will be the end of humanity as we know it. Also nice blog, followed.

  17. i think we keep it up. they have made terminator contacts for rabbits.. now trying to work on them for humans.

    whatever they release to the public the gov has had for 20 years..

    like the blog!!

  18. a question I cant wait to see the answer too, least from in my lifetime.

  19. jesus (mexican name) please let us continue i want my flying car :D

  20. An end to the ipad would be great. Let them invest in something more worth while.
